Visiting the creative kingdom, which is the Pre-Primary classroom, last week I was intrigued to see this evidence of brainstorming the children did in response to a focus on ‘Homes’ and the Unit of Inquiry ‘Where we are in place and time’. They were curious about where dragons might live!
This prompted me to reflect upon not only the wonders of imagination but, more broadly, on how children develop. Below is a link to a helpful resource, courtesy of ‘Emerging Minds’.

What is ‘Emerging Minds’?
“For over 20 years, Emerging Minds has been dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. The organisation now leads the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health, delivered in partnership with the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), the Australian National University (ANU), the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Emerging Minds develops mental health policy, interventions, in-person and online training, programs and resources in response to the needs of professionals, children and their families. We partner with family members, national and international organisations to implement evidence-based practice into the Australian context. Our resources are freely available at this web hub” (Emerging Minds n.d.).
Introduction to the Resource
“Understanding a child’s ecology – their relationships and the environments in which they live, learn, play and grow – and how brains and bodies develop is an integral part of supporting healthy development and wellbeing. When coupled with a curious, respectful practice approach, this knowledge can help to scaffold children’s learning and development, equipping them with the tools they need to grow and thrive.
This article explores the importance of early childhood and adolescence on development, the ways in which stress and trauma affect development, and strategies to support healthy development at different stages of a child’s life”. (Emerging Minds n.d.).
Christine Rowlands – School Councilor
Emerging Minds n.d., In focus: Child development, Emerging Minds, viewed 24 November 2023,
Emerging Minds n.d., Who we are, Emerging Minds, viewed 24 November 2023,