193 St Brigids Terrace

Doubleview, 6018 WA

+61 8 9285 1144


Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00

Term School Hours

Sport, Music, Drama and Arts

Subjects of Physical Education and Health, as well as Performing Arts and Visual Arts, each aim to nurture a positive attitude and instil important ideals towards imagination, self-expression and a healthy lifestyle. These subjects enrich their vocabulary and fine/gross motors as well as a fresh sense of belonging and heightened happiness!

Physical Education

Physical Education at ISWA helps students to find respect and enthusiasm towards global examples of sport and recreation and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Each year, students build greater confidence and proficiency across a range of fundamental movement skills. They increasingly act with cohesive movement patterns and sequences and develop strategies and tactics in-game situations.

Similarly, ISWA students refine social skills that support fair play and positive team cohesion, as well as building analysis skills of performance and problem-solving skills to improve team and individual outcomes.

Our magnificent array of indoor and outdoor hard courts, ample playing fields and state-of-art gymnasium, allow our students to experiment with team and individual playing choice.

Our Physical Education calendar includes regular whole school and house inspired sporting carnivals as well as interschool challenges, allowing children to reflect on the value of membership.

Visual Art

Visual Art challenges students with different points of view and enhances empathy for others as well as empowering students with a sense of ownership and a sense of joy. 

Visual Art is deeply entwined throughout the IB programmes of ISWA. It reflects culturally minded perspectives, provides graphic platforms for communicating student voice and helps us deliver the range of IB learning approaches and skills.

From Kindergarten to Year 12, our students are always busy exploring exciting project briefs from painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics and digital art.

We actively get involved in local competitions and exhibitions including the Sean Tan Art awards, The Black Swan Portraiture prize and Town of Cambridge Exhibition. We endeavour to expose our students to numerous art and design mediums, subject matter and art from a historical perspective as well as contemporary artists and movements.

Our international mindedness and cultural awareness are constantly explored with briefs that allow the students time and space to create pieces from their individual and diverse backgrounds.

Our annual Art and Design Expo is a highlight on our calendar and is used also as the final exhibition assessment for our senior art students. We also have guest artists at the exhibitions and for workshops.

Performing Arts – Music

Music ignites all areas of child development including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and mind work together.

ISWA’s music programmes, delivered from the studios within our Arts Precinct, is compulsory from Kindergarten – Year 8, and optional to Year 12.

Music classes teach aural and theory skills, of pitch and rhythm through fun games and memorable hands-on activities. Students can explore and experiment to create musical ideas, and record and share their music ideas using notation and relevant technology.  

Practical sessions using a multitude of instruments is a strong focus, where the students have access to tuned and non-tuned percussion instruments such as the xylophone and Djembe, as well as electric, acoustic and classical guitars, electric bass, drum kit, keyboard and piano.

The students’ research, analyse and perform different styles of music through the ages from Western Art Music, World Music, the Blues, Rock and contemporary styles in small ensembles and as soloists.

Students also have multiple opportunities to express their own individual style through composition and performance inside and outside the classroom.

Our Performing Arts music calendar includes frequent in-school performances as well as highlighted music production, community eisteddfod and Survival Arts Week Festival.

Performing Arts – Drama

Dramatic play allows students to break through their norms, pretend to be someone or something different from themselves and dramatize situations and feelings of a character. It remains pivotal to the developmental learning process by providing students with opportunities to express their own ideas, thoughts and feelings in a creative environment. 

ISWA’s drama programmes, delivered from our custom-built and on-campus theatre, is compulsory from Kindergarten – Year 8, and optional to Year 12.

Drama at ISWA fosters personal best opportunities through a nurturing, supportive learning environment with a distinct focus on the relevancy of the transferable drama skills in the 21st century.

The International Baccalaureate Learner Profile complements the Drama courses at ISWA and students are encouraged to become knowledgeable and inquiring performers, communicating imaginatively with open-minded and risk-taking approaches.

In Year 11-12, students may choose to select the Theatre Diploma Programme which is a multifaceted and dynamic course for making theatre as creators, designers, directors and performers.

Our Performing Arts drama calendar includes curricular opportunities such as the whole-school Survival Arts Week Festival and the annual School Production, as well as evening showcase performances of scripted excerpts based on local and world texts.

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Acknowledgement of Country

We wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we are on, the Whadjuk (Perth region) people and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge, respect and seek to learn from their wisdom, continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region. ​